Thursday 24 November 2011

Tuesday 15 November 2011

[BND 3 Yr 2] Biological molecules, continued

Once you have completed your biological molecules question sheets, write a summary of the following separation techniques:

- Paper chromatography
- Gas chromatography
- Thin-layer chromatography

You have looked at these earlier in the year with Michelle, so find your Unit 4 assignment and use your own work as reference material to complete this task.

[BND 3 Yr 1] Science Fayre

You are going to plan and carry out a short practical project. You can do this alone or as a pair. 

Here are your instructions:

- Choose a topic/area to investigate (e.g. cells/disease, etc)
- Look at biology experiment websites, such as for ideas
- Choose/create an investigation
- Write an equipment list

This needs to be ready by Thursday's lesson.

- We will be carrying out this practical work next week.
- This work goes towards an assignment next term.