Thursday 24 November 2011

Tuesday 15 November 2011

[BND 3 Yr 2] Biological molecules, continued

Once you have completed your biological molecules question sheets, write a summary of the following separation techniques:

- Paper chromatography
- Gas chromatography
- Thin-layer chromatography

You have looked at these earlier in the year with Michelle, so find your Unit 4 assignment and use your own work as reference material to complete this task.

[BND 3 Yr 1] Science Fayre

You are going to plan and carry out a short practical project. You can do this alone or as a pair. 

Here are your instructions:

- Choose a topic/area to investigate (e.g. cells/disease, etc)
- Look at biology experiment websites, such as for ideas
- Choose/create an investigation
- Write an equipment list

This needs to be ready by Thursday's lesson.

- We will be carrying out this practical work next week.
- This work goes towards an assignment next term.

Friday 28 October 2011

Coming up next half term...

Got the winter term blues? Well, here is an exciting prospect to make the next few months seem a little bit more appealing!! 

We will be taking part in the "I'm a Scientist, Decipher my Data - Flu!" project, which will involve us taking part in a national scientific research project led by Dr Rob Aldridge and the Centre for Infectious Diseases, UCL. This project will feed in to an academic review and we may even have the chance to see our own work published in a science journal! 

To find out more, take a look for yourself:

Friday 23 September 2011

[AS Biology AQA] Link to lipid animation

Here is a link to the animation about lipids that I used in Friday's lesson. You can search this website to find an animation for proteins too.

Monday 19 September 2011

[BND3 Yr 1] Analogy for an animal cell

H6FC - Cell analogy

Cell membrane - Ola and Olu (security), control what enters/leaves the building

Nucleus - June (principal) has control of the Centre

Cytoplasm - Space within H6FC, teaching spaces and hallways. Contains elements of Centre, teaching and learning happens within it

Mitochondria - Refectory, provide food for energy

Lysosomes - Cleaning staff, remove waste created within H6FC

Vacuoles and vesicles - Lockers, useful items are stored here

Endoplasmic reticulum - Students, create work as a product of learning

Ribosomes - Teachers, tools for learning, help students to produce work

Golgi bodies - Exam bodies or coursework moderators, check work and give final grade

Created by BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma, Applied Science, Year 1 class of 2011!!!

[BND3 Yr 1] Link to "Cells alive" website

Thursday 1 September 2011

The magic button — Make Everything OK

Feeling stressed already? Follow the link below...

The magic button — Make Everything OK

[BTEC Level 2] Unit 3 Biology and Our Environment

Assignment 1
The Genetic Code

[BTEC Level 2] Unit 3 Biology and Our Environment

Scheme of Work

[BND3 Yr 2] Unit 12 Physiology of human regulation and reproduction

Assignment 1
Body Fluids

[BND3 Yr 2] Unit 12 Physiology of human regulation and reproduction

Scheme of work

[BND 3 Yr 1] Unit 1 Fundamentals of Science

Biology Assignment
Levels of organisation in the human body

[BND 3 Yr 1] Unit 1 Fundamentals of Science

Scheme of Work

Biology component of unit

[BND 3 Yr 1] Assessment Calendar